Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Catalogs, Displays, Lights, Oh My! It's BMAC Time!

SMS Jewelry Designs' first wholesale show! We practiced and planned for about a year for this exact show (the Buyer's Market of American Craft in Philadelphia) and we did it! Super excited, running on relatively no sleep and a ton of coffee, we were organized, shipped, and packed all things needed for the show.  For those that wanted to see a small glimpse into our BMAC journey the following photos should give a fun view.  
Postcards being tagged, addressed, and mailed

My two boys packing us up

Exhausted and waiting for the catalogs to be printed

Putting together displays and tables for practice

SMS Jewelry Designs' booth's before photo

SMS Jewelry Designs all set up and ready to sell!

Everything took forever, but went by so fast.  After thousands of dollars, countless hours, tears, laughs, and so many other crazy emotions we made it through our first wholesale show.  SMS Jewelry Designs is now being sold in several states and in negotiations with a few other stores still.  We have a long way to go, but are having a great start and enjoying the ride!  Now we move on to the next show (Austin Fashion Week), wholesale orders to finish, and custom orders (several engagement rings, fabricating rings and pendants from metal, and so much more)!

Interested in your own custom SMS Jewelry Designs piece?  Email us smsjewelrydesigns@gmail.com


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