Friday, January 3, 2014

My New Years Resolution Is....

At the beginning of every year I see my friends post their resolutions, but most of us just never get around or find it possible to accomplish these set goals.  This then puts a lot of pressure and feelings of inadequacy on ourselves when we should really just be enjoying "the ride of life." 

So this year I decided to make a resolution against resolutions.  I decided to look back at 2013 on what I did accomplish and how far I have come instead of the negatives and the unfinished items in my list.  

Looking at our first show to the very last one we had this year it is amazing the difference in even in our booth setup!

Yoga Pop Up Shop December 2012
RAWawards 2013 (accessories semifinalists-YEAH!!)

I finally found and setup a studio all to myself (no more sharing with the laundry room and cat boxes!).

SMS Jewelry Designs was selected as a top accessory designer for Austin Fashion Week this year, showcased at Langford Market, and had our first big interview with CW Austin.

Erica-Lynn Holley modeling SMS Jewelry Designs
and Langford Market clothing

Selling some fun jewelry

Interview with CW Austin

Participated in many different shows, rocked the runway, was awarded a few cool new titles, 
and had a lot of fun!

Made some really neat custom pieces for some great customers

We decided life was more fun with more animals

And with friends and family, of course!

When looking back through photos and shows it is amazing how far SMS Jewelry Designs has come and how many wonderful, talented people we have worked with and become our friends.  Thank you to everyone who has supported us through everything, been incredible friends, and cheers to an even more great year!


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