Monday, January 19, 2015

Flourish & Thrive Academy Laying the Foundation

Where to begin?! This is often how I feel after the holidays as a jewelry designer.  Most people I know that are not jewelers think January and February is a time for me to sit, design, goof around, and, you know, play with glamorous, expensive, shiny things.  I did not even have a clue as a former buyer what kind of special stress level goes into these months for artists and designers hoping to receive wholesale orders.  This year I decided to take a step back and reevaluate my 3 and 5 year plans.  
So you may ask-Why is she even talking about this then? For a chance at a scholarship that would provide me and my business mentorship and a step-neh-a rock climber's jump up to the next level. A wonderful group, Flourish and Thrive Academy, is offering two select people slots into the Laying the Foundation Course. One of the actions requested of each applicant is to post a blog answering a few questions.  
The main objectives: be creative and honest (well, and answer all of the questions).  I have read and watched many of the submissions from the talented and deserving fellow jewelers and I know I have some stiff competition.  But just like everything in our industry you gotta work for it.  

Now I could explain how I used to be a lead buyer for a small nonprofit company in South Korea that would travel to five other countries and work with another by phone.  That I handled several million dollars in inventory crossing from tea and ceramics to furniture and rugs all the way to jewelry (in fact this is how I was first really exposed to jewelry design and manufacturing).  I could go into further discussion on how, if I wanted to keep my job and be successful, I was forced to step outside of any sign of a comfort zone of what they taught me in college and work to be thrown into figuring out custom agents and laws for 7 different countries, cultural differences and language barriers, demographics, political upheaval, dealing with all sorts of weather to place orders in the middle of no where to some of the largest cities in the world. And how, like several of my jobs, I had to leave this job behind as we were given orders for a new home.  Yeah, so I kind of did tell you a little bit.  Anyway, this example of one of the jobs I held before I finally was able to save enough to go back to school at the New Approach School for Jewelers and at Corcoran College of Art & Design is to show that I take what I love doing and run with it.  No matter what obstacles are in my way I will learn and take in as much as possible from each situation.  This is how I found jewelry design and creation.  

Now entering my third year of my business I feel I am in need of assistance in taking SMS Jewelry Designs to a whole new stage.  I went through my first wholesale show last year and now know what to expect for next year (even received some orders as a newbie!).  We have worked numerous outside and indoor shows (thank goodness for cocoa and coffee), have been involved in and received honors such as New York Small Boutique Fashion Week, RAW awards finalist, Austin Fashion Week selected accessories designer for several years in a row, and have participated in about a dozen runway shows and even some photo shoots as a selected accessories designer.  I can see my goals, but now I need help reaching them.

I have always envisioned SMS Jewelry Designs in boutiques and department stores, maybe even some big runways occasionally, across the United States and even in Canada-I know, not big dreams at all, right.  But I was taught to go all the way with your dreams.  I need help making my business look professional above just the beginners level.  Through the shows I have participated in I have encountered many designers that were where I am now and every single one of them has said find a mentor that can advise you on who to trust and how to reach goals that you have only doodled about in your diary.  

While he is my biggest supporter, my husband also believes it is his fault that the business and my career have been more expensive and have taken longer than we had hoped. The military lifestyle and the constant moving does tend to put a wrench into business plans, connections, and even funds.  What takes some constant reminding is that without his career mine would have never gotten this far.  He has been the one taking our savings and encouraging me to pursue a career in what I love for our future.  This is also why this course would be so helpful and amazing.  We need help gaining the "cash, clarity, and freedom" I so deeply want for me, my business, and my art. 

After sharing my hopes and dreams, how else can I prove that I am creative and unique enough for such an amazing opportunity?  One of my best models (well, at least for today with special treats) showing off my jewelry. Take it away, Fievel!
Thank you for your time and for the chance to apply to this wonderful program!

If you are a jeweler and have not checked out Flourish & Thrive Academy yet you should!


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