Sunday, August 12, 2012

Lost and Found

Lost and Found

Many would agree with me that when starting your own business there is a feeling of excitement and liberation.  After those pass the next are followed with the sudden pangs of being lost and a little scared.  For those of us that gave up other career paths, spent money on tools, schooling, and numerous other expenses the moments of panic are definitely there.  "Did I make the right choice?," "Am I good enough or talented enough to be successful?," and/or "Should I maybe go back to my old job/field?" begin to surface which gives more doubt to the decisions you made.  With the current economy and unemployment rates the way they have been it is very easy to get boggled down with the feelings of insecurity and apprehension when switching to an industry as volatile as jewelry design/creation.

This last month I have gone through all of these emotions and then some with the decision I made of investing almost all of my money and time into this new career path.  What seemed like a good idea, since I was so happy and enjoying what I did as a jeweler, was suddenly seeming like the worst decision I could have made.  The lack of available jobs and the very scary prospect of not being able to break my line into the market crashed down on me.

Thankfully I have an amazing husband and some very encouraging friends that talk some sense into me when I start to think those thoughts.  Don't get me wrong-they know and I know that all of those questions and feelings are certainly real.  The important move they make for me is they do not allow me to get caught up in those questions and feelings, but to push past it all with assurance and reinforcements.       

After assessing and evaluating all of these things with them I realized the fear pushes me forward because I do not want to go backwards.  I do not want to go back to my previous career because it is really not an option anymore in my life and I absolutely do not want to be doing some menial desk job just to have a job and a paycheck.  I have been given the opportunity to do something I have always wanted to do as my actual profession and I am not going to worry this positive chance away.  When I really felt lost was when I had to take jobs that I did not enjoy.  I have been given the fortuity that many wish for and have found what I truly appreciate doing with my life.  When I have those moments of feeling lost I can remind myself that I am in no way lost since I found my passion in my new profession.   

                                                                   My bench at work

1 comment:

  1. That is well said. I have being going through all the emotions. Logically I know I can do this but then I look at all that needs to be done, and panic. Thanks for sharing how you feel.
