Sunday, May 13, 2012
"For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin-real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life." Alfred D’Souza

"The grace to be a beginner is always the best prayer for an artist. The beginner’s humility and openness lead to exploration. Exploration leads to accomplishment. All of it begins at the beginning, with the first small and scary step." Julia Cameron

After I spoke with a friend I realized why I had been stalling on updating and posting more on my blog. With this blog I will be posting my thoughts, feelings, and updates with my work. This leaves me vulnerable and open to criticism on not just my awful grammer and me, but my jewelry pieces.

Taking classes at Corcoran I had never truly invested my whole self. Until I moved to Tennessee I had a job, friends, husband, and a semi-stable home (at least until the military moved us again). By attending New Approach I dropped my former life completely and invested all of my time, money, and energy into the 3 months I had to cram as much knowledge and skills into making me a good jeweler to find a job in a new field afterwards. I also now will be committed 100% to my own jewelry.

I have had family and friend support, but I think some have been concerned for me of what will happen if I am not "good enough" or "talented enough" to pull off this transformation. I know there are other options and I did decide to take one of the harder options. Creating pieces and working at the bench has allowed me to combine my artistic abilities with a job. I love beginning with just scrap sterling silver metal and finishing with a 3 stone, hand fabricated ring (speaking of-see below the 3 stone hand fabricated ring, start to finish). It is basically therapeutic and, honestly, pretty neat.

I began with the two quotes because they were applicable to my life (past, current, and I am sure future) and to get the ball rolling for conversation.  My life has been so far a great, 'hilly' journey and I am looking forward to the continual drive with the next steps.  In two weeks exact I will be finished with school, in my new home, and setting up my studio. 

Thank you for joining my blog and for joining me in the ride!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean when you say you fear you won't be good enough. I'm at home now kinda searching for a job but more focused on starting my own business and designing lines of jewelry. It's hard, by myself all day. I start to doubt myself and I can't do that. I'm really good and I need to remember that. As are you! That ring is beautiful!
