Monday, February 25, 2013

Finally Started This New Year's Resolution!

Each week I say to myself "This is going to be the week I will carve time out to blog!"  Then each week goes by with no new post.  I feel bad for not keeping up, but at the same time I would rather be behind my bench than spend more time in front of my computer screen.  Most artists and jewelers sympathize with me on this.  Anyway, enough of the whining because it is better late than never that I typing a new post for this new year!

 Us loading up the car the night before
 My husband being cheerful and manning the booth during the rainy day

We at SMS Jewelry Designs (which the 'We' consists currently of my husband, me, and my cats when they want to hide, destroy, or sit on my work) have already been super busy for this year.  We have set up a booth on the famous South Congress Street on one rainy Saturday and are planning to be there several more times during South by Southwest (or as everyone in Austin and any music fans know it as SXSW).  We are discussing with several stores about consignment and wholesale options.  We are even planning to possibly exhibit at next year's BMAC Wholesale Trade Show in Philly!  On the way up our own business hill we know we will have to do plenty more rainy outdoor booth days in combination with other smaller events, but this is the exciting part of developing the work to be at its prime, final stage for PA.   
While challenges have already occurred and we have become flustered and overwhelmed, we are still moving forward in hopes we will be seeing SMS Jewelry Designs some day in stores and magazines (ok, well that may be shooting for the stars, but if we are going to aim we are going to go all the way!).  We are going to keep this momentum going and continue to share all of it with you followers along with way!